Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh The People You'll Meet...

Took 3 of the "kids" to the Farmer's Market yesterday. They learned how to walk with a harness and leash. They will also benefit hugely from this exposure. It is a real confidence booster because everyone LOVES them! We will be doing this exercise with all the puppies. Of course, we never made it to any produce stands! The puppies were real show stoppers.
One of the first persons we encountered could not get enough of Jefferson.

"I want to take him home!"

And then she met Georgie.

Puppy kisses.

Jefferson climbing into her purse!

Jefferson and Sparky were a hit with this woman as well.

Jefferson meeting another dog.

Georgie is not so sure about this Golden

But he got his bravery on.

Then there were more dogs.

And even more.

Someone taking Sparky's picture. Note the two dogs in the foreground.

Sparky learning to negotiate a curb. That's my daughter Jenny encouraging him.

And...he made it!

Here he is getting lots of praise for his bravery.

Jefferson chilling out in the grass. Below is a video of the day.


  1. Jacqui, the time and care you put into your puppies is just great! I love that your exposing them to so much, especially the leash and harnesses. By the pictures they certainly loved the attention. -Michelle

  2. It's difficult to say who enjoyed it more...the puppies or the shoppers...or the handlers!
