Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two On One

With so many puppies running around I worry they don't get the individual attention they need at this stage in their little lives. Next week I will be taking the larger puppies to the park and the farmers market...two or three at a time. Boy are they attention grabbers!

In the meantime, I am taking two at a time outside to romp in the back yard. Yesterday I took Burst and Hancock. Then I took the two white girls, Dew and Lightening. Probably wasn't the smartest idea to take two nearly identical pups but I love seeing them together. They have become very good buddies. By putting a little blue ribbon on Lightening I was able to better tell them apart for the photos.

One of my hopes is that my slightly timid babies will get a confidence boost from this. It was fun to watch both Lightening and Hancock open up and venture away from me after about ten minutes into their play sessions.

Love Dew's face...and her stack!

Best Friends--Dew is on the right...see the tiny dot on her nose?

Dew being confident!

What eyes Lightening has!

Confident Lightening

Burst and Hancock are good buddies as well. Almost the same size, they are fair play for each other. Burst is more confident but Hancock is getting there.

Hancock resting

Hancock. Nice looking boy.

Love his face.

Burst playing

Burst's stack.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible for these puppies to get more adorable each week? What fun to watch them checkout the yard together.

    Many thanks for continuing to share these updates.
