We have been on a pretty exhausting routine. Up every three hours to make sure our tiny puppies get their nourishment. They are not too crazy about taking a bottle but do. I am relieved for that. Guess what, I'm not too crazy about waking up three times during the night. I can happily report that this afternoon it was apparent the puppies were gaining nicely on their own. All have gained almost 25% of their birth weight which is terrific and I can get a full night's sleep tonight.
Maxi has decided that sometimes it is easier to nurse her
babies in a sitting position. Meanwhile, our one year old, Marli, has decided her big-sister job is to keep the clean towels warm!
I'll take her to the Monroe Dog Show tomorrow where she will get her eyes CERF certified and will get tons of special attention from me and my friends in the Havanese Show World!
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