Taking Maxi's temperature will help me know within 24 hours when she is actually going to whelp her little Havanese puppies. She is due Saturday so I began Monday. I take her temps in the morning and the evening when she has rested a while...which is pretty much all the time right now!
If she gets any bigger she'll be dragging on the floor! |
Her temps are hovering between 100.0 and 100.8 degrees Fahrenheit. A dog's normal temp is 101.5 but the hormones prevalent in a pregnant bitch will lower her temp to closer to 100.0 during her last trimester.
Maxi chilling this morning while the others play around her! |
You can't really tell from this photo but Maxi is as big as a doghouse! |
With a little luck we will catch the dramatic surge to over 101.0 F which happens 12 hours before the drop to the 98.0 F area. When her temp drops I will know the puppies should arrive in the next 24 hours!!
So, we actually have about a 36 hour heads up on when the pups are likely to be born, which is very helpful.
This is Maxi's private apartment! I think she likes it. The box on the left is where she'll whelp her pups. |