Saturday, December 11, 2010

Havanese Pups Getting So-o-o-o-o Big

Because Phoebe had six puppies instead of eight, they are all much larger and stronger. Already they are sleeping for long periods...twenty minutes or so...between nursing. The smallest puppy in the litter was bigger than the largest one in the last.

I am calling them my Happy Holidays Litter and will select names along this theme. So far I like Carney's Bells are Jingling, Carney's Jolly Holly and Carney's Joy to the World. If you have any suggestions let me know.

Monday, December 6, 2010

We Have Puppies!

Phoebe whelped six beautiful black and white puppies yesterday morning in a very quick span of two hours. (Last whelping took over four) They are all healthy, nursing well and squeaking protests when they lose hold of a teat. More photos will follow as you all know!